When we decided to pull the Edict: Solar Contention campaign back in June we vowed to learn every lesson we could from our experience. To improve the Edict game as much as we can before bringing it back for a fresh campaign we’ve taken on board the comments and suggestions our supporters and interested parties have given.
Among our priorities has been to get the game on a digital platform so that anyone interested in sampling or testing the game can do so. We know that neither Tabletopia or any other rival tabletop simulator is anything like the genuine pleasure of playing a real board game, but for those who are prepared to play over the internet, it is the nearest wide reach method anyone can adopt in these times of continued lockdown and/or restrictions. So, we have been working to implement the game in a digital environment.
At the same time, there are as many supporters or potential supporters who would like to see Edict as a solo game. We had planned to offer the solo version as a stretch goal but with the postponement and feedback, we have decided to make the solo mode a fully integrated part of the board game which will, when we relaunch be a 1-5 player game rather than a 2-5. We have had to take longer than we had planned to get the integration right and we hope it satisfies soloists as we intended.
In addition, we have added a second intended expansion to the game. This one introduces CEO Contracts, a fifth action for players to choose from during gameplay. We had always thought the core gameplay sufficiently complicated to justify deferring several game upgrades, but we know that fans will want to get stuck into the complexity. After all, euro games are sometimes as much a puzzle to figure out as a game to play.
Finally, for the digital version we have implemented all the plastic miniatures for testers and gamers to enjoy. These add a significant cost to the physical board game so they will remain stretch goals in the forthcoming re-Kickstarter launch since we need a lot of supporters to help reduce costs. But that doesn't mean we can’t let you have sight of these exciting sculptures by or designer Renan.
As it stands we are about to finish the miniature renderings that had to be downsized for digital implementation. The final artwork for the amended and integrated game components is underway and as soon as we are satisfied with them, we will make the announcement that Edict: Solar Contention is online for testing and evaluation. Thanks to everyone for their patience and enthusiasm and we hope you will enjoy the game shortly.